"Discord Bot Token": "",
"Discord Server ID (Optional if bot only in 1 guild)": "",
"Command Settings": {
"Allow Discord Commands In Direct Messages": true,
"Allow Discord Commands In Guild": false,
"Allow Guild Commands Only In The Following Guild Channel Or Category (Channel ID Or Category ID)": [],
"Allow Commands for members having role (Role ID)": [],
"Restrictions": {
"Enable Command Restrictions": false,
"Blacklist = listed commands cannot be used without permission, Whitelist = Cannot use any commands unless listed and have permission": "Blacklist",
"Command Restrictions": {
"command": {
"Allowed Discord Roles": [
"Allowed Server Groups": [
"Log Settings": {
"Log command usage in server console": true,
"Command Usage Logging Channel ID": "",
"Display Server Log Messages to user after running command": true,
"Display Server Log Messages Duration (Seconds)": 1.0
"Discord Extension Log Level (Verbose, Debug, Info, Warning, Error, Exception, Off)": "Info"