获得 Expernce 在游戏中做任何事情。- 体验
- 水平
- 行列
- 夜间加速
- 统计数据和技能
- 带有 Kill Records mod 的额外 XP
- 播放器控件的 UI
- 热门玩家 UI
- SQL 支持远程存储(仅用于保存,不用于加载)
- 在游戏管理员面板 UI 中用于 Mod 调整
- 限制统计数据/技能的权限
- 组:玩家等级的自动组
- 每日限制:限制 XP 获取和重置
- 特殊组:分配具有 XP 加成、额外每日限制的特殊组
- Sound Effects:将音效用于不同的操作
巅峰等级:一旦玩家达到最高等级,他们就会重置并以新的等级重新开始。预定义了 13 个等级,您可以使用 name、sig(tag) 和 image 更改/添加任意数量的等级。默认情况下,排名处于禁用状态。可以调整等级 XP 提升、属性/技能提升、每个等级开始时的积分、等级内每个等级获得的额外积分等等等级选项:
- 启用/禁用排名功能
- 设置 Max Rank Achieveable (不得高于 config 中的等级数)
- 允许剩余 XP 结转的选项
- 为每个等级设置 XP 加成
- 设置每个等级的属性/技能提升
- 设置每个等级的开始属性/技能点数
- 为每个等级的每个级别设置额外的属性/技能点数
- 显示排名级别的选项
- 显示等级 xp 的选项
- 设置等级名称、等级、XP 颜色的选项
- Top UI 中排名靠前的玩家页面
- 将 Rank、Name、Sig、ImageURL、Level 和 XP(如果使用)发送到 SQL
- 在聊天名称中显示排名标签的选项
- 在 LiveUI 中显示排名名称和图像的选项
- 管理员聊天命令,用于仅重置级别和仅针对玩家或所有记录进行排名
- 受等级影响的统计数据/技能在玩家档案 UI 中显示的颜色与等级相同
- 用于其他 Mod 的组功能,以根据玩家等级授予/限制功能
- 为配置中列出的每个等级创建组,并根据等级自动分配/撤销玩家组
1. 心态- 降低研究成本
- 研究速度降低
- 暴击率
- 对 NPC 的伤害增加
- Block Chance(阻止机会)
- 闪避机会
- 护甲伤害减免
- 马速加成
- 船速提升
- 车速提升
- Snowmobile 速度提升
- 燃油减少几率
- 增加最大生命值(带 UI 的护甲)
- 增加近战伤害
- 最大饥饿值增加
- 最大口渴增加
- 减少出血
- 减少辐射
- 提高耐热性/耐寒性
- 需要 2 名或更多玩家的团队
- 提升所有其他团队成员技能
- 可选择提升所有其他团队成员的 XP 收益
- 增加每级 Captainship 的有效距离
- 与具有 Captancy 属性的其他成员堆叠
- 条件 伤害减免几率
- 手动工具
- 电动工具
- 近战武器
- 投射物武器
- 增加每个弹匣的最大弹药数
- 减少直升机的检测
- 减少 NPC 的检测
- 降低 Bradley APC 的检测率
- 减少炮塔的检测
- 增加刀的伤害
- 增加剑的伤害
1. 伐木工- 木材收集增加
- 增加奖金
- 苹果的机会
- 提高产量
- 减少燃料消耗(炉子、烤架等)
- 有几率获得更多物品
- 几率从金属矿石中获得高品质金属
- 矿石收集增加
- 增加奖金
- 降低油耗(帽子)
- 几率从金属矿石中获得金属碎片
- 增加植物采集
- 获得更多种子的机会
- 随机物品的几率
- 增加食物采集
- 增加奖金
- 对 Wildlife 的伤害几率增加
- 野生动物的夜间伤害加成
- 弓箭伤害增加
- 捕获的鱼数增加
- 收集的物品增加
- 减少氧气罐的使用
- 吸氧时间缩短
- 降低制作速度
- 降低制作成本
- 更好的维修价值
- Chance for Better Condition
- 降低建筑成本
- 减少修复时间
- 降低维修成本
- 减少制作时间(混合台)
- 复活拥有更多生命值的玩家
- 从受伤中恢复,生命值更高
- 从一些医疗工具中获得更多健康
- 有几率在掉落/箱子中获得更多战利品
- 自定义物品掉落的几率
- 有机会从科学家那里获得更多战利品
- 增加太阳能电池板输入(来自太阳的电流)
- 增加太阳能电池板最大输出
- 增加风车输出(来自风能的电流)
- 增加风车最大输出
- 增加小型电池的最大输出
- 增加中型电池最大输出
- 增加大电池最大输出
- 增加小型发电机最大输出
- 可选择设置每个电工级别的最小太阳能电池板输出量(即使在夜间)
- 减少炸药变成哑弹的几率
- 增加爆炸伤害
- 增加爆炸半径
- XPerience Addon v1.4.9 提供的更多功能
- 将动物驯服为宠物
分配的插件 Stats/Skills
背包- 可以将 Backpacks 插件分配给任何属性或技能
- 可以设置可用于属性/技能级别的行数
播放器命令:(可以在 config 中更改)- /xphelp- 显示聊天中的所有命令
- /xpstats- 调出用户控制面板
- /xpstats <player>- 显示完整的玩家 XP 档案
- /xpstatschat- 在聊天中显示您的等级、XP、统计数据和技能
- /xptop- 调出顶级玩家 UI
- /xpaddstats <stat>- 升级选定的属性
- /xpaddskill <skill>- 升级所选技能
- /xpresetstats- 重置所有统计数据并退还积分
- /xpresetskills- 重置所有技能并退还积分
- /xpliveui <0-5>- Live UI 位置 / 0 = 关闭
- /xpresetall- 清除并重置 XPerience 中的所有玩家数据
- /resetalllevels- 将所有玩家等级重置为 0
- /resetallranks- 将所有玩家等级重置为 0
- /xpreset <name or id> <playername or steamid>- 将玩家的进度重置为 0
- /resetlevel <playername>- 将玩家的等级重置为 0
- /resetrank <playername>- 将玩家的等级重置为 0
- /resetharvest- 清除 XPerience 的所有收获数据
- /xpadminhelp- 显示管理员的 admin 命令
- /xpgive <name or id> <playername or steamid> <amount>- 给玩家 x 点经验值
- /xpgiveall <amount>- 为所有玩家提供 x 数量的 XP
- /xptake <name or id> <playername or steamid> <amount>- 从玩家身上吸取 x 点经验值
- /xpconfig- 在 Game Admin 面板中打开
- /xpfix- 重置除经验以外的所有玩家数据,并重新计算等级、分数和要求
- /xpexclude <name or id> <playername or steamid> <true or false>- 将 player 设置为从 XPerience Addon 中排除
- xpresetall- 重置 XPerience(完全擦除)并重新加载 Mod
- xpresetplayer <name or id> <player name or id>- 重置选定的玩家数据
- xpgive <name or id> <player name or id> <amount>- 给玩家 xx 数量的 XP
- xptake <name or id> <player name or id> <amount>- 从玩家那里拿走 xx 数量的 XP
- xpexclude <name or id> <playername or steamid> <true or false>- 将 player 设置为从 XPerience Addon 中排除
此插件使用权限系统。要分配权限,请使用 。要删除权限,请使用 。oxide.grant <user or group> <name or steam id> <permission>oxide.revoke <user or group> <name or steam id> <permission>等级组:如果启用了等级,则将自动为配置中定义的每个等级创建组,并且将根据玩家的当前等级自动分配/删除玩家。
特殊组:可以创建具有自定义 XP 限制和属性/技能重置的“特殊组”。系统会为配置中定义的每个组自动创建特殊组。
- xperience.admin-- 授予使用 admin 命令的权限
- xperience.vip-- 向用户授予 VIP 重置权限
- xperience.xpboost-- 允许接收 XP 提升
- xperience.mentality- 可以升级心态
- xperience.dexterity- 可以提升敏捷度
- xperience.might- 可以提升力量
- xperience.captaincy- 可以升级队长职位
- xperience.woodcutter- 可以调平 WoodCutter
- xperience.smithy- 可以提升铁匠铺
- xperience.miner- 可以升级 Miner
- xperience.forager- 可以升级觅食者
- xperience.hunter- 可以升级猎人
- xperience.fisher- 可以调平费舍尔
- xperience.crafter- 可以升级工匠
- xperience.framer- 罐调平成帧器
- xperience.medic- 可以升级医生
- xperience.scavenger- 可以升级 Scavenger
- xperience.tamer- 可以升级驯兽师
列出 config 中的每个区域,以 ( , ) 分隔- 无 XP 增益区选项
- 无 XP 损失区选项
"ZoneManager Mod": {
"noxpgain": "",
"noxploss": ""
// Give XP to player - looks for ulong steamid and value in double
GiveXPID(ulong player, double amount): Gives x amount of XP to player using the player ulong id and amount as double
// Give XP to player - looks for value in double (this will give XP with effects from all bonus and boosts)
GiveXP(BasePlayer player, double amount)
// Give XP to player - looks for value in double (this will give XP without any effects from bonuses or boosts)
GiveXPBasic(BasePlayer player, double amount)
// Give Stat Points to player - looks for value in int
GiveStatPoints(BasePlayer player, int amount)
// Give Skill Points to player - looks for value in int
GiveSkillPoints(BasePlayer player, int amount)
// Take XP from player - looks for value in double
TakeXP(BasePlayer player, double amount)
// Get Player Data - looks for player and info type as string
GetXPCache(BasePlayer player, string info)
// String Tyes:
steamid - returns player steamid
displayname - returns player display name
level - returns current level
xp - returns current xp amount
reqxp - returns required xp to next level
rank - return current rank ID
rankname - returns current rank name
ranksig - returns current rank tag
rankimg - returns url to current rank
truexp - returns total xp from rank
truelevel - returns total levels from rank
statp - returns current unspent stat points
skillp - returns current unspent skill points
// Stats/Skills - can return current stat/skill levels or points spent in stats/skills
statname - returns current level of stat
statnamep - returns points spent in stat
skillname - returns current level of skill
skillnamep - returns points spent in skill
// Example:
mentality - returns current Mentality level
mentalityp - returns points spents in Mentality
hunter - returns current Hunter level
hunterp - returns points spent in Hunter
// Resource Info - can return total resources gathered
resourcetype - returns total gather amount of specific resource
wood - returns total wood gathered
// Added A new Hook for Research related plugins to use specifically for the tech tree.
// Example expects thee item rarity value casted as a double and the player
var cost = 0;
if (XPerience != null && XPerience.IsLoaded)
cost = XPerience.Call<int>("OnResearchCostDetermineHook", (double)rarirtyvalue, player);
The settings and options can be configured in the file under the directory. The use of an editor and validator is recommended to avoid formatting issues and syntax errors. XPerienceconfig
Extremely Configurable! Careful with adjustments!
"Player Chat Commands": {
"openplayerstats": "xpstats",
"showplayerstatschat": "xpstatschat",
"opentopplayers": "xptop",
"playeraddstat": "xpaddstat",
"playeraddskill": "xpaddskill",
"playerresetstats": "xpresetstats",
"playerresetskills": "xpresetskills",
"playerresetall": "xprestart",
"playerliveuichange": "xpliveui",
"openhelp": "xphelp"
"Admin Chat Commands": {
"showadminhelp": "xpadminhelp",
"openadminpanel": "xpconfig",
"adminresetxperience": "xpresetall",
"adminxpgive": "xpgive",
"adminxptake": "xptake",
"adminresetplayer": "xpresetplayer",
"adminfixdata": "xpfix",
"adminitemchange": "itemchange"
"Default Options": {
"userpermissions": false,
"liveuistatslocation": 1,
"liveuistatslocationmoveable": true,
"showchatprofileonconnect": true,
"showunusedeffects": false,
"NotifcationCooldown": 2,
"restristresets": true,
"resetminsstats": 60,
"resetminsskills": 60,
"bypassadminreset": true,
"vipresetminstats": 30,
"vipresetminsskills": 30,
"playerfixdatatimer": 60,
"disableplayerfixdata": false,
"disablearmorchat": true,
"hardcorenoreset": false,
"allowplayersearch": true,
"allowplayerreset": true,
"topplayersperpage": 40,
"showonlinestatus": true
"UI Text Colors": {
"defaultcolor": "white",
"level": "green",
"experience": "green",
"nextlevel": "yellow",
"remainingxp": "cyan",
"statskilllevels": "green",
"perks": "green",
"unspentpoints": "green",
"spentpoints": "red",
"pets": "cyan",
"mentality": "white",
"dexterity": "white",
"might": "white",
"captaincy": "white",
"woodcutter": "white",
"smithy": "white",
"miner": "white",
"forager": "white",
"hunter": "white",
"fisher": "white",
"crafter": "white",
"framer": "white",
"medic": "white",
"scavenger": "white",
"tamer": "white"
"Image Icons": {
"mainicon": " ",
"mentality": " ",
"dexterity": " ",
"might": " ",
"captaincy": " ",
"woodcutter": "https://imgur.com/3teb5s2.png",
"smithy": "https://imgur.com/uz8szzL.png",
"miner": "https://imgur.com/lFkLUv0.png",
"forager": "https://imgur.com/SSdZZ8O.png",
"hunter": "https://imgur.com/UwASeQs.png",
"fisher": "https://imgur.com/QU76hi1.png",
"crafter": "https://imgur.com/IiywcbI.png",
"framer": "https://imgur.com/M3VgQic.png",
"medic": "https://imgur.com/mXp3Mrh.png",
"scavenger": "https://imgur.com/g3S4XKW.png",
"tamer": "https://imgur.com/DatpWzL.png",
"chicken": "https://imgur.com/qJYzAZ6.png",
"boar": "https://imgur.com/ou1DgxE.png",
"stag": "https://imgur.com/CwACyuG.png",
"wolf": "https://imgur.com/J18C2Je.png",
"bear": "https://imgur.com/kTbD3B1.png",
"online": "https://imgur.com/0ZEDsKR.png",
"offline": "https://imgur.com/VAsGrpl.png"
"UI Notify (requires UINotify plugin)": {
"useuinotify": false,
"disablechats": false,
"xpgainloss": false,
"xpgainlosstype": 0,
"levelupdown": false,
"levelupdowntype": 1,
"dodgeblock": false,
"dodgeblocktype": 2,
"criticalhit": false,
"criticalhittype": 3
"XP - Level Config": {
"levelstart": 25.0,
"levelmultiplier": 50.0,
"maxlevel": 500,
"levelxpboost": 0.05,
"statpointsperlvl": 1,
"skillpointsperlvl": 2
"XP - Night Bonus": {
"Enable": true,
"StartTime": 19,
"EndTime": 5,
"Bonus": 0.1,
"enableskillboosts": true
"XP - Gain Amounts": {
"chickenxp": 5.0,
"fishxp": 5.0,
"boarxp": 10.0,
"stagxp": 15.0,
"wolfxp": 20.0,
"bearxp": 25.0,
"sharkxp": 30.0,
"horsexp": 20.0,
"scientistxp": 25.0,
"dwellerxp": 25.0,
"playerxp": 25.0,
"lootcontainerxp": 5.0,
"animalharvestxp": 5.0,
"corpseharvestxp": 5.0,
"underwaterlootcontainerxp": 10.0,
"lockedcratexp": 25.0,
"hackablecratexp": 50.0,
"craftingxp": 5.0,
"bradley": 25.0,
"patrolhelicopter": 30.0,
"playerrevive": 5.0
"XP - Gather Amounts": {
"treexp": 5.0,
"orexp": 5.0,
"harvestxp": 5.0,
"plantxp": 5.0,
"noxptools": true
"XP - Building Amounts": {
"woodstructure": 5.0,
"stonestructure": 10.0,
"metalstructure": 15.0,
"armoredstructure": 20.0,
"buildxpdelay": true,
"buildxpdelayseconds": 2
"XP - Teams": {
"enableteamxpgain": true,
"enableteamxploss": true,
"teamxpgainamount": 0.1,
"teamxplossamount": 0.05,
"teamdistance": 50.0
"XP - Mission Amounts": {
"missionsucceededxp": 50.0,
"missionfailed": false,
"missionfailedxp": 10.0
"XP - Reducer Amounts": {
"suicidereduce": true,
"suicidereduceamount": 0.05,
"deathreduce": true,
"deathreduceamount": 0.05
"BonusXP - Bonus Amounts (requires KillRecords plugin)": {
"showkrbutton": false,
"enablebonus": false,
"requiredkills": 10,
"bonusxp": 5.0,
"endbonus": 500,
"multibonus": true,
"multibonustype": "fixed"
"Economics Rewards (requires Economics plugin)": {
"econlevelup": false,
"econleveldown": false,
"econresetstats": false,
"econresetskills": false,
"econlevelreward": 50.0,
"econlevelreduction": 25.0,
"econresetstatscost": 100.0,
"econresetskillscost": 100.0
"Server Rewards (requires ServerRewards plugin)": {
"srewardlevelup": false,
"srewardleveldown": false,
"srewardresetstats": false,
"srewardresetskills": false,
"srewardlevelupamt": 5,
"srewardleveldownamt": 5,
"srewardresetstatscost": 75,
"srewardresetskillscost": 75
"Mentality Stat": {
"maxlvl": 10,
"pointcoststart": 2,
"costmultiplier": 2,
"researchcost": 0.1,
"researchspeed": 0.1,
"criticalchance": 0.05,
"useotherresearchmod": false
"Dexterity Stat": {
"maxlvl": 10,
"pointcoststart": 2,
"costmultiplier": 2,
"blockchance": 0.05,
"blockamount": 0.1,
"dodgechance": 0.05,
"reducearmordmg": 0.05
"Might Stat": {
"maxlvl": 10,
"pointcoststart": 2,
"costmultiplier": 2,
"armor": 0.1,
"meleedmg": 0.05,
"metabolism": 0.02,
"bleedreduction": 0.05,
"radreduction": 0.05,
"heattolerance": 0.05,
"coldtolerance": 0.05
"Captaincy Stat": {
"maxlvl": 10,
"pointcoststart": 3,
"costmultiplier": 3,
"skillboost": 0.05,
"enablexpboost": true,
"xpboost": 0.05,
"captaincydistance": 10.0
"WoodCutter Skill": {
"maxlvl": 10,
"pointcoststart": 2,
"costmultiplier": 2,
"gatherrate": 0.5,
"bonusincrease": 0.1,
"applechance": 0.1
"Smithy Skill": {
"maxlvl": 10,
"pointcoststart": 2,
"costmultiplier": 2,
"productionrate": 0.1,
"fuelconsumption": 0.1,
"metalchance": 0.05,
"metalamount": 1
"Miner Skill": {
"maxlvl": 10,
"pointcoststart": 2,
"costmultiplier": 2,
"gatherrate": 0.5,
"bonusincrease": 0.1,
"fuelconsumption": 0.1,
"metalchance": 0.1,
"metalamount": 1
"Forager Skill": {
"maxlvl": 10,
"pointcoststart": 2,
"costmultiplier": 2,
"gatherrate": 0.3,
"chanceincrease": 0.1,
"randomchance": 0.05,
"randomChanceList": {
"0": {
"shortname": "apple",
"amount": 1
"1": {
"shortname": "bandage",
"amount": 1
"2": {
"shortname": "scrap",
"amount": 1
"3": {
"shortname": "bucket.water",
"amount": 1
"4": {
"shortname": "metal.fragments",
"amount": 1
"Hunter Skill": {
"maxlvl": 10,
"pointcoststart": 2,
"costmultiplier": 2,
"gatherrate": 0.3,
"bonusincrease": 0.1,
"damageincrease": 0.05,
"nightdmgincrease": 0.01
"Fisher Skill": {
"maxlvl": 10,
"pointcoststart": 2,
"costmultiplier": 2,
"fishamountincrease": 0.75,
"itemamountincrease": 0.25
"Crafter Skill": {
"maxlvl": 10,
"pointcoststart": 2,
"costmultiplier": 2,
"craftspeed": 0.1,
"craftcost": 0.05,
"repairincrease": 0.07,
"repaircost": 0.05,
"conditionchance": 0.07,
"conditionamount": 0.1
"Framer Skill": {
"maxlvl": 10,
"pointcoststart": 2,
"costmultiplier": 2,
"upgradecost": 0.05,
"repaircost": 0.05,
"repairtime": 0.1
"Medic Skill": {
"maxlvl": 10,
"pointcoststart": 2,
"costmultiplier": 2,
"revivehp": 5.0,
"recoverhp": 5.0,
"crafttime": 0.1,
"tools": 2.0
"Scavenger Skill": {
"maxlvl": 10,
"pointcoststart": 2,
"costmultiplier": 2,
"scavlootchance": 0.1,
"scavchance": 0.1,
"scavmultiplier": 1.0,
"customscavmultiplier": 0.5,
"customscavrandom": true,
"usecustomscavlist": true,
"drops": true,
"crates": true,
"uncrates": true,
"lockedcrates": true,
"hackcrates": true,
"scientists": true,
"componentsonly": false,
"scavChanceList": {
"0": {
"shortname": "scrap",
"amount": 1,
"maxamount": 10,
"requiredlevel": 1
"1": {
"shortname": "metal.fragments",
"amount": 1,
"maxamount": 10,
"requiredlevel": 5
"Tamer Skill": {
"enabletame": false,
"maxlvl": 5,
"pointcoststart": 2,
"costmultiplier": 2,
"tamechicken": true,
"tameboar": true,
"tamestag": true,
"tamewolf": true,
"tamebear": true,
"chickenlevel": 1,
"boarlevel": 2,
"staglevel": 3,
"wolflevel": 4,
"bearlevel": 5
"Clans (requires Clans plugin)": {
"enableclanbonus": false,
"enableclanreduction": false,
"clanbonusamount": 0.1,
"clanreductionamount": 0.02
"SQL Info": {
"enablesql": false,
"SQLhost": "localhost",
"SQLport": 3306,
"SQLdatabase": "database",
"SQLusername": "user",
"SQLpassword": "password"
The default messages are in the file under the directory. To add support for another language, create a new language folder (e.g. for German) if not already created, copy the default language file to the new folder and then customize the messages. XPeriencelang/ende
"adminpanel": "Admin",
"adminmenu_001": "Main",
"adminmenu_002": "Level / XP",
"adminmenu_003": "Stats",
"adminmenu_004": "Skills",
"adminmenu_005": "Other Settings",
"adminmenu_006": "SQL",
"adminmenu_007": "SAVE SETTINGS",
"adminmenu_008": "Save & Reload Mod",
"adminmenu_009": "CLOSE",
"adminmenu_010": "Reset Default Settings",
"adminmenu_011": "Fix Player Data",
"adminmenu_012": "Other Mod Settings",
"adminmenu_013": "Reset Options",
"adminmenu_014": "My Stats",
"adminmenu_015": "Player's Stats",
"adminmenu_016": "Player Info",
"adminitemchange": "{0} condition is now {1} and max condition is now {2}",
"adminitemchangerequirement": "{0} current condition is {1} and max condition is {2}\nTo change this use /{3} (condition value) (maxcondition value)",
"adminfixplayers": "All player data has been reset except experience.\nLevels, points and requirements recalculated.",
"adminresetconfig": "Config has been reset to default values.",
"saveconfig": "New Config has been Saved",
"admininfoliveui": "Default Live UI Location",
"adminxp_001": "Level & XP Settings",
"adminxp_002": "[Level / Point Settings]",
"adminxp_003": "Level Start:",
"playerfixdata": "Your data has been fixed and your level recalculated. You will need to reapply your stat & skill points",
"playerfixdatabutton": "Fix My Data",
"playerharveststats": "Total Harvest Count",
"playerharvestreset": "Player harvest count has been reset",
"selectedplayerharvestreset": "Player {0} harvest count has been reset",
"playerresetdisabled": "Player reset disabled, contact server admin",
"playersearchdisabled": "Player searching is currently disabled",
"imgwaiting": "Waiting On ImageLibrary to finish the load order",
"resettimerdata": "Wait another {0} mins",
"xphelp": "XPerience Plugin by M@CHIN3 \n Commands: \n/xpstats - brings up user control panel \n/xpstatschat - shows your level, xp, stats, and skills in chat \n/xptop - brings up top players UI \n/xpaddstats (stat) - level up selected stat \n/xpaddskill (skill) - level up selected skill \n/xpresetstats - resets all stats and refunds points \n/xpresetskills - resets all skills and refunds points \n/xpliveui (0-4) - Live UI Location / 0 = off",
"xphelpadmin": "XPerience Plugin by M@CHIN3 \n Admin Commands: \n/{0} - Opens admin control panel for mod setup/{1} - resets entire mod and deletes all player data \n/{2} (playername) - resets selected player data \n/{3} (playername) (amount) - gives x amount of experience to selected player \n/{4} (playername) (amount) - takes x amount of experience from selected player \n/{5} (conditionvalue) (maxconditionvalue) - changes the item condition and max condition in your hand",
"playerprofilechat": "My Stats: \n---------------- \nLevel: {0} \nCurrent XP: {1} \nNext Level: {2} \nStat Points: {3} \nSkill Points: {4} \n---------------- \nMentality: {5} \nDexterity: {6} \nMight: {7} \nCaptaincy: {8} \n---------------- \nWoodCutter: {9} \nSmithy: {10} \nMiner: {11} \nForager: {12} \nHunter: {13} \nFisher: {14} \nCrafter: {15} \nFramer: {16} \nMedic: {17} \nScavenger: {18} \nTamer: {19} \n",
"suicide": "You have lost {0} XP for commiting suicide",
"death": "Your XP has been reduced by {0} for death",
"levelup": "You are now Level {0}. You have recieved {1} stat point and {2} skill points",
"leveldown": "You have lost a level! You are now Level {0}",
"statdown": "You have lost {0} stats points",
"skilldown": "You have lost {0} skill points",
"statdownextra": "You did not have enough unspent stat points to take, your ({0}) stat has been lowered and you have lost {1} stats points, {2} stat points returned to your unspent amount",
"skilldownextra": "You did not have enough unspent skill points to take, your ({0}) skill has been lowered and you have lost {1} skill points, {2} skill points returned to your unspent amount",
"bonus": "You get a bonus {0} XP for {1} {2}",
"notenoughpoints": "You do not have enough points",
"notenoughstatpoints": "You do not have enough points for level {0} {1}, requires {2} statpoints",
"notenoughskillpoints": "You do not have enough points for level {0} {1}, requires {2} skillpoints",
"pointsadded": "you now have {0} points applied in {1}",
"pointsremoved": "you have remove {0} points from {1}",
"statup": "You used {0} statpoints to reach Level {1} in {2}",
"skillup": "You used {0} skillpoints to reach Level {1} in {2}",
"nostatpoints": "You have lost all stat points",
"noskillpoints": "You have lost all skill points",
"resetstats": "You have reset your stats and have {0} stat points returned",
"resetskills": "You have reset your skills and have {0} skill points returned",
"attackerdodge": "Your victim dodged your attack",
"attackerblock": "Your victim blocked {0} damage from your attack",
"victimdodge": "You dodged last attack",
"victimblock": "You blocked {0} damage from last attack",
"crithit": "You preformed a critical hit for {0} extra damage",
"weaponcon": "New weapon condition is now {0}",
"medictools": "Medical Tools",
"medictooluse": "You recived an extra {0} health from {1}",
"medicrecoverplayer": "You have recovered with an extra {0} health.",
"medicreviveplayer": "You have been revived with an extra {0} health.",
"medicrevivereviver": "You have revived player with an extra {0} health.",
"captaincyskillboost": "Team Skill Boost",
"captaincyxpboost": "Team XP Boost",
"captaincydistance": "Effective Distance",
"captaincyteamrequired": "Must be part of a team!",
"playerinfoalive": "Player Info Since Last Spawn:",
"timealive": "Alive",
"timeflying": "Flying Time",
"timedriving": "Driving Time",
"timeboating": "Boating Time",
"timesleeping": "Sleeping Time",
"timeswimming": "Swimming Time",
"timeinbase": "Time In Base",
"timedmgrec": "Last Dmg Recieved",
"timedmgrecfrom": "Last Dmg From",
"timedmgdelt": "Last Dmg Delt",
"timedeltto": "Last Dmg To",
"timeinmonument": "Time In Monuments",
"timeinwild": "Time In Wilderness",
"status": "Status",
"online": "Online",
"offline": "Offline",
"metersran": "Meters Ran",
"meterswalk": "Meters Walked",
"level": "Level",
"experience": "Experience",
"xp": "XP",
"mentality": "Mentality",
"dexterity": "Dexterity",
"might": "Might",
"captaincy": "Captaincy",
"woodcutter": "WoodCutter",
"smithy": "Smithy",
"miner": "Miner",
"forager": "Forager",
"hunter": "Hunter",
"fisher": "Fisher",
"crafter": "Crafter",
"framer": "Framer",
"medic": "Medic",
"scavenger": "Scavenger",
"tamer": "Tamer",
"stats": "Stats",
"skills": "Skills",
"researchcost": "Research Cost",
"researchspeed": "Research Speed",
"critchance": "Critical Chance",
"blockchance": "Block Chance",
"dodgechance": "Dodge Chance",
"fishamount": "Fish Amount",
"fishitems": "Item Amount",
"fishoxygen": "Oxygen Reduction",
"fishoxygentank": "Oxygen Tank Reduction",
"armor": "Armor",
"tea": "Tea Boost",
"teatypenone": "None",
"teatypemaxhealthtea": "Basic",
"teatypemaxhealthtea.advanced": "Advanced",
"teatypemaxhealthtea.pure": "Pure",
"melee": "Melee Damage",
"calories": "Max Calories",
"hydration": "Max Hydration",
"bleed": "Bleeding Time",
"radiation": "Radiation",
"heat": "Heat Tolerance",
"cold": "Cold Tolerance",
"craftspeed": "Crafting Speed",
"woodgather": "Wood Gathering",
"woodbonus": "Bonus Gathering",
"woodapple": "Apple Chance",
"productionrate": "Production Chance",
"productionamount": "Amount",
"fuelconsumption": "Fuel Consumption",
"fuelconsumptionhats": "Fuel Consumption (hats)",
"metalchance": "Metal Fragment Chance",
"metalamount": "Metal Fragment Amount",
"hmetalchance": "High Quality Chance",
"hmetalamount": "High Quality Amount",
"oregather": "Ore Gathering",
"orebonus": "Bonus Gathering",
"gather": "Gathering",
"seedbonus": "Seed Bonus",
"randomitem": "Random Item",
"foodgather": "Food Gathering",
"bonusgather": "Bonus Gathering",
"damagewildlife": "Damage (wildlife)",
"nightdamage": "Night Damage (wildlife)",
"costreduction": "Cost",
"fullrepair": "Full Repair Chance",
"highcond": "Higher Condition Chance",
"upgradecost": "Upgrade Cost",
"repairtime": "Repair Time",
"repaircost": "Repair Cost",
"nextlevel": "Next Level",
"medicrevive": "Revival Health",
"medicrecover": "Recover Health",
"mediccrafting": "Mixing Table Speed",
"scavchance": "Extra Loot Chance",
"scavmultiplier": "Extra Loot Multiplier",
"customscavchance": "Custom Loot Chance",
"customscavmultiplier": "Custom Loot Multiplier",
"unusedstatpoints": "Stat Points",
"unusedskillpoints": "Skill Points",
"totalspent": "Points Used",
"liveuilocationoff": "Live XP UI Stats are off",
"liveuilocation": "Live XP UI location is {0}",
"liveuilocationhelp": "/xpliveui (0-4) - Live UI Location / 0 = off \n Current UI location is {0}",
"resetstatsbutton": "Reset Stats",
"resetskillsbutton": "Reset Skills",
"nopermordisabled": "Stat/Skill disabled or you do not have permission to use.",
"chicken": "Chicken",
"boar": "Boar",
"stag": "Stag",
"wolf": "Wolf",
"bear": "Bear",
"tamerinc": "Increase Tamer to tame animals",
"tamerpets": "Tameable Pets",
"topplayers": "Top Players",
"resetxperience": "All XPerience player data deleted",
"resettimerstats": "You have {0} mins left before you can reset your stats",
"resettimerskills": "You have {0} mins left before you can reset your skills",
"canresetstats": "{0} mins",
"canresetskills": "{0} mins",
"victimarmordmg": "Armor Absorbed {0} Damage",
"armordmgabsorb": "Armor Damage",
"liveuiselection": "Live Stats Location",
"mystats": "My Stats",
"help": "HELP",
"helpprev": "<< Prev Page",
"helpnext": "Next Page >>",
"helpcommands": "Chat Commands",
"helpcommandslist": "Note that many of these commands can be used within your control panel without using chat. \n\n/{0} - shows chat commands in chat \n\n/{1} - brings up your control panel \n\n/{1} (playername) = brings up another players full profile \n\n/{2} - shows your level, xp, stats, and skills in chat \n\n/{3} - brings up top players panel \n\n/{4} (stat) - level up selected stat \n\n/{5} (skill) - level up selected skill \n\n/{6} - resets all stats and refunds points \n\n/{7} - resets all skills and refunds points \n\n/{8} (0-5) - Live UI Location / 0 = off \n\n",
"moddetails": "About XPerience Created by:",
"bindkey": "You can bind any key to open your XPerience control panel. \nPress F1 to open your console \nDecide what key you want to bind the command to \nType bind 0 chat.say /{0} \nThis will bind the 0 key to open the control panel. \nNext execute the writecfg command in your console to save the config so it won't reset when you relaunch the game",
"aboutxperience": "\n\n XPerience is an extremely detailed RPG based mod that allows players to earn experience and levels by interacting with all aspects of the game. You can earn experience from just about anything from cutting down trees, mining ore, hunting, killing, fishing, building, and more.. As you earn experience you will progress in levels that grant stat points and skill points you can spend in different traits that will give you increased abilities. There are currently 4 major Stats and 11 secondary Skills each with their own special attributes, more may come in the future. Stats will grant you overall character strengths while Skills grant you increased abilities when interacting with the world. For every level you increase these traits it will increase the strength of the abilities that each one gives you. The higher the level of each trait the more points it requires to reach the next level. Server owners can configure and adjust every aspect of the XPerience mod including level requirements, level multiplier, xp gained from each source, points awarded per level, point cost per level, bonuses, stat and skill strengths per level, max level of stats and skills, reset timers, and more.",
"serversettings": "Every server that uses XPerience can be setup differently to fit their preference. Below are some of the settings for this server. Many things can effect these values like other mods that may be installed. \n\n[MAIN SETTINGS] Levels, Multipliers, Points, Timers, etc..\nLevel Start: {0} | Required XP to reach level 1 \nXP Requirment: {1} | XP Requirement increase for next level ex. ({0} {1} to reach level 2) \nLevel XP Boost: {2}% | XP increase per level \nStat Points Earned Per Level: {3} \nSkill Points Earned Per Level: {4} \nReset Timers: Enabled:{5} Stats {6} / Skills {7} | Time in mins before you can reset your stats or skills \nVIP Reset Timers: Stats {8} / Skills {9} | Time in mins before VIP players can reset stats and skills \nNight Bonus XP: Enabled:{10} | {11}% | Bonus XP received between {12}:00 and {13}:00 hours game time if enabled \nNight Skills Enabled: {14} | Skills that have bonuses at night between {12}:00 and {13}:00 hours game time \n\n",
"xpsettings": "[XP Settings]: Amount of XP earned for kills, gathering, building, crafting, etc.. \n",
"xpsettingskills": "[Kills & Revive] \n\nChickens: {0} \nFish: {1} \nBoar: {2} \nStag: {3} \nWolf: {4} \nBear: {5} \nShark: {6} \nHorse: {7} \nScientist: {8} \nDweller: {9} \nPlayer: {10} \nBradley: {11} \nHelicopter: {12}\n\nReviving: {13}",
"xpsettingsloot": "[Gathering / Looting] \n\nLoot Container: {0} \nUnderwater Loot Container: {1} \nLocked Crate: {2} \nHackable Crate: {3} \nAnimal Harvest: {4} \nCorpse Harvest: {5} \nTree: {6} \nOre: {7} \nGathering: {8} \nPlant: {9}",
"xpsettingscraft": "[Crafting / Building] \n\nCrafting: {0} \nWood Structure: {1} \nStone Structure: {2} \nMetal Structure: {3} \nArmored Structure: {4} \n",
"xpmissionsettings": "[Missions] \n\nMission Succeeded: {0} \nFailed Reduction Enabled: {1} \nFailed Reduction Amount: {2} \n",
"xpreductionsettings": "[XP Reduction] \n\nDeath: {0}% Enabled: {1}\nSuicide: {2}% Enabled: {3}\n",
"nextpagestats": "To view details about Stats and Skills click Next Page at the top.",
"aboutstats": "The 4 major Stats are Mentality, Dexterity, Might & Captaincy.",
"aboutmentality": "Grants you the ability to lower research costs such as the amount of scrap required to unlock new items, Reduces Research Speed that decreases the amount of time it takes to research items in the research station, and gives you increased chance to attack with a critical hit and cause more damage to an enemy or animal.",
"aboutmentalitysettings": "[Current Mentality Settings] \nMax Level: {0} \nStarting Cost: {1} \nCost Multiplier: {2}x Level \nResearch Cost Reduction: {3}% \nResearch Speed Reduction: {4}% \nCritical Chance: {5}%",
"aboutdexterity": "Grants you increased chance to Block attacks and lower the amount of damage you recieve, increased the chance to Dodge an attack completely and take no damage, and decrease the damage you recieve when your Armor bar is full (Armor requires Might)",
"aboutdexteritysettings": "[Current Dexterity Settings]\nMax Level: {0} \nStarting Cost: {1} \nCost Multiplier: {2}x Level \nBlock Chance: {3}% | Block Amount: {4} \nDodge Chance: {5}% \nReduced Armor Damage: {6}%",
"aboutmight": "This is one of the most beneficial stats in the system! It grants you the ability to reduce bleeding time, radiation taken, greater tolerance to heat and cold, higher max calories and hydration, increased max health (Armor) as well as increases the damage you do with melee weapons.",
"aboutmightsettings": "[Current Might Settings] \nMax Level: {0} \nStarting Cost: {1} \nCost Multiplier: {2}x Level \nArmor: {3}% | Increased Max Health \nMelee Damage Increase: {4}% \nMetabolism Increase: {5}% | Thirst/Hunger \nBleed Reduction: {6}% \nRadiation Reduction: {7}% \nIncreased Heat Tolerance: {8}% \nIncreased Cold Tolerance: {9}%",
"aboutcaptaincy": "Gives other team members overall skill boosts and XP boost within a certain range. Stacks on a % increase of the team members skills to increase the skills abilities for each team member seperatly based on the skill level of each member. Only effects skills and not stats. Requires at least 2 members in a team and has no effect on the current player.",
"aboutcaptaincysettings": "[Current Captaincy Settings]\nMax Level: {0} \nStarting Cost: {1} \nCost Multiplier: {2}x Level \nEffective Distance: {3}FT \nSkill Boost: {4}%\n XP Boost Enabled: {5}\n XP Boost: {6}%",
"aboutskills": "The 11 secondary skills are Woodcutter, Smithy, Miner, Forager, Hunter, Crafter, Framer, Fisher, Medic, Scavenger & Tamer\n(taming requires pets mod and may not be available on certain servers).",
"aboutwoodcutter": "Increases the amount of wood you receive from cutting down trees, increases the bonus amount you get when a tree has been cut down, and gives you increased chances to have apples fall while cutting a tree.",
"aboutwoodcuttersettings": "[Current WoodCutter Settingss] \nMax Level: {0} \nStarting Cost: {1} \nCost Multiplier: {2}x Level \nGather Rate: {3}% \nBonus: {4}% \nApple Chance: {5}%",
"aboutsmithy": "Increases the chance of extra production from smelting or cooking in a furnace or grill and reduces the amount of fuel used in a furnace or grill so they burn longer with less fuel.",
"aboutsmithysettings": "[Current Smithy Settings]\nMax Level: {0} \nStarting Cost: {1} \nCost Multiplier: {2}x Level \nIncreased Production: {3}% \n Fuel Consumption: -{4}%",
"aboutminer": "Increases the amount of ore gathered from stone, metal, sulfur, etc.. and the amount of bonus material recieved when an ore has been fully collected. This skill also reduces the amount of fuel used when wearing a hat that consumes fuel like the mining hat, candle hat, etc..",
"aboutminersettings": "[Current Miner Settings]\nMax Level: {0}\nStarting Cost: {1}\nCost Multiplier: {2}\nGather Rate: {3}%\nBonus: {4}%\nFuel Consumption: -{5}%",
"aboutforager": "Increases the amount of resources you receive when collecting by hand from the ground such as wood, stone, metal, sulfer, berries, mushrooms, etc.. anything collected on the ground by hand. You also get an increased amount of seeds from berries, hemp, and other resources that provide seeds. This skill also gives you an increased chance to find random items when gathering by hand so make sure you keep an eye out around you for random item.",
"aboutforagersettings": "[Current Forager Settings]\nMax Level: {0}\nStarting Cost: {1}\nCost Multiplier: {2}\nGather Rate: {3}%\nSeed Chance: {4}% Amount: {5}\nRandom Item: {6}%",
"abouthunter": "Grants you the ability to get more food from animals when harvesting, increased bonus amount when fully harvested, increased damage to wildlife and even greater damage to wildlife when hunting at night.",
"abouthuntersettings": "[Current Hunter Settings]\nMax Level: {0}\nStarting Cost: {1}\nCost Multiplier: {2}\nGather Rate: {3}%\nBonus: {4}%\nWildlife Dmg Increase: {5}%\nNight Dmg Increase: {6}%",
"aboutcrafter": "Grants you increased crafting speed while reducing the amount of material cost when crafting. Gives you increased chance to fully repair items and increased chance to create items with up to 10% higher condition.",
"aboutcraftersettings": "[Current Crafter Settings]\nMax Level: {0}\nStarting Cost: {1}\nCost Multiplier: {2}\nCraft Speed: -{3}%\nCraft Cost: -{4}%\nRepair Speed: {5}%\nCondition Chance: {6}%\nCondition Increase: 10%",
"aboutframer": "Decreases the cost of materials needed to upgrade or repair buildings as well as reduces the repair time when a building has been damaged.",
"aboutframersettings": "[Current Framer Settings]\nMax Level: {0}\nStarting Cost: {1}\nCost Multiplier: {2}\n Upgrade Cost: {3}%\nRepair Cost: {4}%\nRepair Time: {5}%",
"aboutfisher": "Gives you the ability to catch more fish at one time or increases the items you collect when fishing if you don't catch a fish.",
"aboutfishersettings": "[Current Fisher Settings]\nMax Level: {0}\nStarting Cost: {1} \nCost Multiplier: {2} \nFish Increase: {3} \nItem Increase: {4}",
"aboutmedic": "Gives you the ability to revive yourself and other players with more health once revived as well as reduces the time it takes to craft teas or other items in the mixing table.",
"aboutscavenger": "Increases chance to find more loot inside containers with chance to find bonus items when looting containers. The higher your level the more items you'll find. Keep an eye out around these containers for your extra loot!",
"aboutmedicsettings": "[Current Medic Settings]\nMax Level: {0}\nStarting Cost: {1} \nCost Multiplier: {2} \nRevival Health: {3} \nRecover Health: {4} \nCrafting Time: {5}%",
"abouttamer": "If this skill is available then it will grant you the ability to tame animals as pets. Each level allows you to tame a bigger animal that can help you survive in the world. These pets can also carry items and even attack your enemies. Pets are currently controlled by a seperate mod with it's own settings and adjustments. More details about Pets can be found using the '/pet help' chat command",
"abouttamersettings": "[Current Tamer Settings]\nEnabled: {0} \nMax Level: {1} \nStarting Cost: {2} \nCost Multiplier: {3} \n\n[Tameable Pets]\nChicken: {4} | Level Req: {5} \nBoar: {6} | Level Req: {7} \nStag: {8} | Level Req:{9} \nWolf: {10} | Level Req: {11} \nBear: {12} | Level Req: {13}",
"nextpageskills": "Click Next Page to view more skill information",
"techtreenode": "You need {0} scrap to research {1}",
"xpgiveneedname": "Need to enter a player name /xpgive (playername) (amount)",
"xpgivenotfound": "Player not found",
"xpgiveneedamount": "Need to enter an amount /xpgive (playername) (amount)",
"xpgiveplayer": "You have given {0} {1} experience, they now have a total of {2} experience.",
"xpresetneedname": "Need to enter a player name /xpreset (playername)",
"xpresetnotfound": "Player not found",
"xpresetplayer": "You have reset your character.",
"xpresetselectedplayer": "You have reset {0}",
"xptakeneedname": "Need to enter a player name /xptake (playername) (amount)",
"xptakenotfound": "Player not found",
"xptakeneedamount": "Need to enter an amount /xptake (playername) (amount)",
"xptakeplayer": "You have taken {0} experince from {1}, they now have a total of {2} experience.",
"adminpanelinfonew": "ⓍⓅerience Admin Control Panel\n\n Here you can adjust all the settings for this mod without having to open and edit the config file. On the menu to your left are several pages where you can adjust everything from levels, experience, stats, skills, and more.. Once you have made any adjustments to these pages make sure your click SAVE on the menu and then Reload Mod so that these adjustments are writen to the config and loaded. If you do not click save and reload any adjustment you made will be lost! Keep in mind this is an extremely detailed mod and even the slightest adjustment can make a huge difference on how this mod functions! It is suggested that you make minor adjustments to see how the settings will effect your server and player's gaming experience. If you adjust the level start or xp requirement increase settings make sure you click Fix Player Data on the menu AFTER you save and reload the mod so that the system can recalculate all players levels and requirements. Players will not loose any XP but they will have their profile reset and will have to reapply any points they have.\n\nIf you have any issues, questions, or suggestions you can join the mod developer's discord ⓍⓅerience was created by MACHIN3",
"playerfixdatahelp": "You can use the Fix My Data button below to have your xperience data recalculated. This will reset all your stats except your experience. Your level, required xp, points, and info will be reset and recalculated based on the current server settings and your current experience. You will receive however many points for stats and skills that your level should have and you will need to reapply them towards your stats and skills.\n\n Reasons you may need to do this:\n1. Server settings may have been changed since your last login.\n2.Map wipe didn't properly link your data.\n3. New features were added.\n4. Server was restored to an earlier date.",
"uinotify_xpgain": " {0} XP",
"uinotify_xploss": "-{0} XP",
"econdeposit": "You received a deposit of {0} into your account for leveling up",
"econwidthdrawlevel": "You lost {0} from your account for level loss",
"econwidthdrawresetstat": "You spent {0} for resetting stats, your balance is now {1}",
"econwidthdrawresetskill": "You spent {0} for resetting skills, your balance is now {1}",
"econwidthdrawresetstatfailed": "You Do Not Have {0} for resetting stats, your balance is {1}",
"econwidthdrawresetskillfailed": "You Do Not Have {0} for resetting skills, your balance is {1}",
"srewardwidthdrawresetstat": "You spent {0} points for resetting stats, your balance is now {1}",
"srewardwidthdrawresetskill": "You spent {0} points for resetting skills, your balance is now {1}",
"srewardwidthdrawresetstatfailed": "You Do Not Have {0} points for resetting stats, your balance is {1}",
"srewardnwidthdrawresetskillfailed": "You Do Not Have {0} points for resetting skills, your balance is {1}",
"srewardsup": "You recieved {0} points in server rewards for leveling up",
"srewardsdown": "You lost {0} points in server rewards for leveling down",
"fixdatadisabled": "Fix Data Option Disabled By Admin",
"hardcorenoreset": "Hardcore mode enabled, Stat/Skill Reset is Disabed",
"crafternotenough": "Not enough resources to repair item",
"killrecords": "Kill Records",
"mykillrecords": "My Kill Records",
"playerkillrecords": "Player's Kill Records",
"maxleveled": "You have reached the max level for {0}",
"playerrankup": "You have reached the Rank of {0}, your level, experience, stats, and skills have been reset. You start with {1} stat points and {2} skill points",
"rank": "Rank",
"ranksig": "Rank Tag",
"ranklevel": "Rank Level",
"rankxp": "Rank XP",
"playerlevelreset": "Player level has been reset",
"selectedplayerlevelreset": "Player {0} level has been reset",
"playerrankreset": "Player rank has been reset",
"selectedplayerrankreset": "Player {0} rank has been reset",
"allplayerlevelreset": "All Player levels have been reset",
"allplayerrankreset": "All Player ranks have been reset"
XPerience 插件
查看 XPerience 的插件,它添加了一些额外的功能,还有更多功能即将推出!特征:
- 每级矿工可选择将采石场产量提高 %
- 设置生产持续时间的选项
- 设置冷却时间的选项
- 从武器发射免费弹药的选项
- 为每个武器等级设置免费弹药率的选项
- 有机会从供应商处获得更多物品
- 可选择设置每个清道夫等级的百分比几率
- 可选择设置每个清道夫级别的百分比数量
- 有机会免费回收物品(提供材料但保留物品)
- 可选择设置每个觅食者等级的百分比几率
- 可选择根据觅食者级别设置增加的回收速度
- 设置不同实体所需的击杀总数
- 为不同类型的资源(木材、矿石、废料等)设置资源总量。
- 奖励选项:经验值、物品、经济、服务器奖励、特殊物品、每个玩家命令、全局命令
- 奖励服务器活跃玩家列表中的所有玩家
- 用于活动贡献的全局活动存款箱(通过聊天命令或欢迎面板上的给予按钮获得)
- 限制按权限获取全局事件框的选项
- 可选择设置每个玩家允许的最大全局事件框数
- 在做出贡献和达到目标时显示聊天通知的选项
- 全局事件 HUD 选项,用于显示所有目标(带或不带边框)
- 在完成后 x 小时后自动重置全局事件的选项
- 在事件完成时销毁所有全局事件框的选项
- 用于手动销毁所有全局事件框的按钮
- 用于手动重置 Global Event 的按钮
- 欢迎面板上显示的 Global Event 详细信息页面
- 当目标受到攻击时,在实时 UI 中显示目标生命值/最大生命值
- 目标被杀死时消失,如果未被杀死,则在 5 秒后消失
- 显示最后伤害量的选项
- 在条形上显示名称的选项
- 启用 Death Records 的选项
- 追踪玩家的所有击杀/死亡
- 显示受害者、攻击者、武器、伤害类型、距离和时间
- 玩家拥有自己的 Death Records 个人资料 UI(从 XPerience 个人资料访问)
- 用于为 DeathRecords UI 设置自定义聊天命令的选项
- 选择将死亡记录通知发送到聊天
- 调整聊天字体大小和颜色的选项
- 选择将死亡记录发送到 discord(需要 Discord 消息)
- 显示玩家炮塔击杀的选项
- 为击杀距离提供额外 XP 的选项
- 设置奖励 XP 数量和距离乘数的选项
- 列出要在 config 中跟踪的所有实体的选项
- 启用播放器和全局通知 UI 栏的选项
- 玩家等级提升时显示的选项
- 玩家升级时显示的选项
- 当玩家增加统计数据或技能时显示的选项
- 设置 UI 栏消失时超时(以秒为单位)的选项
- Discord webhook 网址
- 将玩家等级提升到 discord 的选项
- 将玩家等级发送到 discord 的选项
- 将玩家属性等级发送到 discord 的选项
- 将玩家技能等级发送到 discord 的选项