日落和日出时间可以在配置文件中设置;默认值为 7.5 和 18.5。这些值确定何时应打开和关闭灯光。
通过更改配置中的各种类型来启用要自动化的光源类型。"This type is enabled"
选择使灯消耗燃料,或通过更改配置中的各种灯类型来免费运行。"This type consumes fuel"
允许玩家通过在配置中更改来切换他们想要自动化的灯光类型。这只会影响他们自己放置的光源。"This type can be toggled by the owner"
当插件启用时,开始在烤箱中烹饪物品的选项。这仅在禁用时使用"This type starts cooking items when toggled by plugin""This type consumes fuel"
如果玩家在自动期间切换了光源,则可选择消耗燃料。如果启用并且玩家切换烤箱,则烤箱将开始消耗燃料"This type consumes fuel when toggled by a player"
选项,要求只有具有正确权限的玩家才能通过更改配置来切换自己的灯光类型。"This type requires permission to be toggled by the owner"
内置对 No Fuel Requirements 的支持
"Light Settings": {
"BBQ": {
"This type is enabled": true,
"This type consumes fuel": false,
"This type consumes fuel when toggled by a player": false,
"This type starts cooking items when toggled by plugin": false,
"This type can be toggled by the owner": true,
"This type requires permission to be toggled by the owner": true
"Campfire": {
"This type is enabled": true,
"This type consumes fuel": false,
"This type consumes fuel when toggled by a player": true,
"This type starts cooking items when toggled by plugin": true,
"This type can be toggled by the owner": true,
"This type requires permission to be toggled by the owner": true
"Firepit": {
"This type is enabled": true,
"This type consumes fuel": false,
"This type consumes fuel when toggled by a player": false,
"This type starts cooking items when toggled by plugin": false,
"This type can be toggled by the owner": true,
"This type requires permission to be toggled by the owner": true
"Fireplace": {
"This type is enabled": true,
"This type consumes fuel": false,
"This type consumes fuel when toggled by a player": false,
"This type starts cooking items when toggled by plugin": false,
"This type can be toggled by the owner": true,
"This type requires permission to be toggled by the owner": true
"Furnace": {
"This type is enabled": true,
"This type consumes fuel": false,
"This type consumes fuel when toggled by a player": false,
"This type starts cooking items when toggled by plugin": false,
"This type can be toggled by the owner": false,
"This type requires permission to be toggled by the owner": false
"JackOLantern": {
"This type is enabled": true,
"This type consumes fuel": false,
"This type consumes fuel when toggled by a player": false,
"This type starts cooking items when toggled by plugin": false,
"This type can be toggled by the owner": true,
"This type requires permission to be toggled by the owner": true
"Lanterns": {
"This type is enabled": true,
"This type consumes fuel": false,
"This type consumes fuel when toggled by a player": false,
"This type starts cooking items when toggled by plugin": false,
"This type can be toggled by the owner": true,
"This type requires permission to be toggled by the owner": true
"LargeFurnace": {
"This type is enabled": true,
"This type consumes fuel": false,
"This type consumes fuel when toggled by a player": false,
"This type starts cooking items when toggled by plugin": false,
"This type can be toggled by the owner": true,
"This type requires permission to be toggled by the owner": true
"Searchlight": {
"This type is enabled": true,
"This type consumes fuel": false,
"This type consumes fuel when toggled by a player": false,
"This type starts cooking items when toggled by plugin": false,
"This type can be toggled by the owner": true,
"This type requires permission to be toggled by the owner": true
"TunaLight": {
"This type is enabled": true,
"This type consumes fuel": false,
"This type consumes fuel when toggled by a player": false,
"This type starts cooking items when toggled by plugin": false,
"This type can be toggled by the owner": true,
"This type requires permission to be toggled by the owner": true
"Refinery": {
"This type is enabled": true,
"This type consumes fuel": false,
"This type consumes fuel when toggled by a player": false,
"This type starts cooking items when toggled by plugin": false,
"This type can be toggled by the owner": true,
"This type requires permission to be toggled by the owner": true
"CursedCauldren": {
"This type is enabled": true,
"This type consumes fuel": false,
"This type consumes fuel when toggled by a player": false,
"This type starts cooking items when toggled by plugin": false,
"This type can be toggled by the owner": true,
"This type requires permission to be toggled by the owner": true
"ChineseLantern": {
"This type is enabled": true,
"This type consumes fuel": false,
"This type consumes fuel when toggled by a player": false,
"This type starts cooking items when toggled by plugin": false,
"This type can be toggled by the owner": true,
"This type requires permission to be toggled by the owner": true
"Time autolights are disabled": 7.5,
"Time autolights are enabled": 18.5,
"Version": {
"Major": 2,
"Minor": 1,
"Patch": 0
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日落和日出时间可以在配置文件中设置;默认值为 7.5 和 18.5。这些值确定何时应打开和关闭灯光。
通过更改配置中的各种类型来启用要自动化的光源类型。"This type is enabled"
选择使灯消耗燃料,或通过更改配置中的各种灯类型来免费运行。"This type consumes fuel"
允许玩家通过在配置中更改来切换他们想要自动化的灯光类型。这只会影响他们自己放置的光源。"This type can be toggled by the owner"
当插件启用时,开始在烤箱中烹饪物品的选项。这仅在禁用时使用"This type starts cooking items when toggled by plugin""This type consumes fuel"
如果玩家在自动期间切换了光源,则可选择消耗燃料。如果启用并且玩家切换烤箱,则烤箱将开始消耗燃料"This type consumes fuel when toggled by a player"
选项,要求只有具有正确权限的玩家才能通过更改配置来切换自己的灯光类型。"This type requires permission to be toggled by the owner"
内置对 No Fuel Requirements 的支持
此插件使用权限系统。要分配权限,请使用 。要删除权限,请使用 。oxide.grant <user or group> <name or steam id> <permission>oxide.revoke <user or group> <name or steam id> <permission>- nightlantern.global- 需要在整个服务器上切换自动照明
- nightlantern.campfire - 需要在您拥有的篝火上切换自动化
- nightlantern.firepit - 需要在您拥有的 Firepits 上切换自动化
- nightlantern.fireplace - 需要在您拥有的壁炉上切换自动化
- nightlantern.furnace - 需要在您拥有的炉子上切换自动化
- nightlantern.largefurnace - 需要在您拥有的大型 funacaes 上切换自动化
- nightlantern.lanterns - 需要切换您拥有的灯笼的自动化
- nightlantern.jackolantern - 需要切换您拥有的南瓜灯的自动化
- nightlantern.tunalight - 需要为您拥有的金枪鱼罐头灯切换自动化
- nightlantern.searchlight - 需要在您拥有的探照灯上切换自动化
- nightlantern.refinery- 需要切换您拥有的炼油厂的自动化
- nightlantern.cursedcauldren- 需要切换您拥有的诅咒坩埚的自动化
- nightlantern.chineselantern- 需要为您拥有的中国灯笼切换自动化
- /lantern global- 打开/关闭整个服务器的灯光和自动化
- /lantern campfire- 在您拥有的篝火上切换自动化
- /lantern firepit- 在您拥有的火坑上切换自动化
- /lantern fireplace- 在您拥有的壁炉上切换自动化
- /lantern furnace - 在您拥有的炉子上切换自动化
- /lantern largefurnace- 在您拥有的大型功能上切换自动化
- /lantern lanterns- 在您拥有的灯笼上切换自动化
- /lantern jackolantern - 在您拥有的南瓜灯上切换自动化
- /lantern tunalight - 在您拥有的金枪鱼罐头灯上切换自动化
- /lantern searchlight- 在您拥有的探照灯上切换自动化
- /lantern refinery - 在您拥有的炼油厂上切换自动化
- /lantern cursedcauldren- 在您拥有的被诅咒的大锅上切换自动化
- /lantern chineselantern- 在您拥有的中国灯笼上切换自动化
"Light Settings": {
"BBQ": {
"This type is enabled": true,
"This type consumes fuel": false,
"This type consumes fuel when toggled by a player": false,
"This type starts cooking items when toggled by plugin": false,
"This type can be toggled by the owner": true,
"This type requires permission to be toggled by the owner": true
"Campfire": {
"This type is enabled": true,
"This type consumes fuel": false,
"This type consumes fuel when toggled by a player": true,
"This type starts cooking items when toggled by plugin": true,
"This type can be toggled by the owner": true,
"This type requires permission to be toggled by the owner": true
"Firepit": {
"This type is enabled": true,
"This type consumes fuel": false,
"This type consumes fuel when toggled by a player": false,
"This type starts cooking items when toggled by plugin": false,
"This type can be toggled by the owner": true,
"This type requires permission to be toggled by the owner": true
"Fireplace": {
"This type is enabled": true,
"This type consumes fuel": false,
"This type consumes fuel when toggled by a player": false,
"This type starts cooking items when toggled by plugin": false,
"This type can be toggled by the owner": true,
"This type requires permission to be toggled by the owner": true
"Furnace": {
"This type is enabled": true,
"This type consumes fuel": false,
"This type consumes fuel when toggled by a player": false,
"This type starts cooking items when toggled by plugin": false,
"This type can be toggled by the owner": false,
"This type requires permission to be toggled by the owner": false
"JackOLantern": {
"This type is enabled": true,
"This type consumes fuel": false,
"This type consumes fuel when toggled by a player": false,
"This type starts cooking items when toggled by plugin": false,
"This type can be toggled by the owner": true,
"This type requires permission to be toggled by the owner": true
"Lanterns": {
"This type is enabled": true,
"This type consumes fuel": false,
"This type consumes fuel when toggled by a player": false,
"This type starts cooking items when toggled by plugin": false,
"This type can be toggled by the owner": true,
"This type requires permission to be toggled by the owner": true
"LargeFurnace": {
"This type is enabled": true,
"This type consumes fuel": false,
"This type consumes fuel when toggled by a player": false,
"This type starts cooking items when toggled by plugin": false,
"This type can be toggled by the owner": true,
"This type requires permission to be toggled by the owner": true
"Searchlight": {
"This type is enabled": true,
"This type consumes fuel": false,
"This type consumes fuel when toggled by a player": false,
"This type starts cooking items when toggled by plugin": false,
"This type can be toggled by the owner": true,
"This type requires permission to be toggled by the owner": true
"TunaLight": {
"This type is enabled": true,
"This type consumes fuel": false,
"This type consumes fuel when toggled by a player": false,
"This type starts cooking items when toggled by plugin": false,
"This type can be toggled by the owner": true,
"This type requires permission to be toggled by the owner": true
"Refinery": {
"This type is enabled": true,
"This type consumes fuel": false,
"This type consumes fuel when toggled by a player": false,
"This type starts cooking items when toggled by plugin": false,
"This type can be toggled by the owner": true,
"This type requires permission to be toggled by the owner": true
"CursedCauldren": {
"This type is enabled": true,
"This type consumes fuel": false,
"This type consumes fuel when toggled by a player": false,
"This type starts cooking items when toggled by plugin": false,
"This type can be toggled by the owner": true,
"This type requires permission to be toggled by the owner": true
"ChineseLantern": {
"This type is enabled": true,
"This type consumes fuel": false,
"This type consumes fuel when toggled by a player": false,
"This type starts cooking items when toggled by plugin": false,
"This type can be toggled by the owner": true,
"This type requires permission to be toggled by the owner": true
"Time autolights are disabled": 7.5,
"Time autolights are enabled": 18.5,
"Version": {
"Major": 2,
"Minor": 1,
"Patch": 0
object OnNightLanternToggle(BaseEntity entity, bool toggleOn) // Called prior to toggling a light下载
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